Tuesday, March 23, 2010

8-Bit Fun Times

So, it's not exactly drawing, but still. I love the classic Nintendo characters done in pixels, so I played around in Photoshop. Have fun. More art to come.

Art and Coffee... does it mix well?!?

Coffee, here I come. I wasn't always a fan of coffee until late college years and I haven't looked back since. More or less, I'm a espresso drinker, but on occasion I do have a cup of coffee. It usually has to be a dark roast or something near it. So for now, I'm down at a local coffee shop called BoJava Coffee Bistro. I don't care Starbucks much any more, but I still drink there if that is the only coffee shop around. We have a coffee shop at work, Joe Mugg's, but ever since I had a drink at BoJava, I'm hooked. Not that anyone reading this is in the same area as me, but if you are, come down and try it. Even if not, try going around town and support your local coffee shop. Starbucks may be good from time to time, but local coffee is so much better. We have maybe one other coffee shop in town.

Here shortly, I should have some art pieces up for commenting. Until then, I'm going to enjoy my coffee and draw... hopefully.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome to Dog Creek Images

Greetings one and all. I will posting sketches and doodles as often as I can. I do not do commissions at this time. I also have a Deviant Art site, that of which I have not updated. In time, I will be updating that and here.